
ホーム » 動画 » 踏切事故の修理から復帰した遠州鉄道2003FJAとぴあ浜松号。


消防などによりますと、この事故で軽乗用車を運転していた70代の女性が重傷です。電車の乗員乗客には、けがはありませんでした。インターネットニュースから引用。動画の撮影9月3日。8月後半から修理と試運転を追えて終日定期運行にも復帰してました。よく見ると少し傷も残ってます。踏切事故は自動車や歩行者が注意して渡らないと防げないです。警報器が鳴ったら渡るのは絶対にやめてください。Enshu Railway 2003 FJA and Pia Hamamatsu, which have recovered from the repair of the railroad crossing accident. On the morning of the 12th, a train and a light passenger car collided at the Enshu Railway railroad crossing in Higashi Ward, Hamamatsu City. An elderly woman who was driving a light passenger car was seriously injured.

The accident occurred at a railroad crossing between Sekishi Station and Nishigasaki Station on the Enshu Railway in Sekishi-cho, Higashi-ku, Hamamatsu City. .
According to the fire department, a woman in her 70s who was driving a mini-vehicle was seriously injured in this accident. No passengers on the train were injured. Quoted from internet news. Video taken on September 3rd. From the latter half of August, after repairs and trial runs, it returned to regular service all day. If you look closely, you can see some scratches. Railroad crossing accidents cannot be prevented unless cars and pedestrians cross carefully. Do not cross if the alarm sounds.