①制御車 : 運転台があって動力車ではない鉄道車両。
② 動力車:走行するための動力装置を備えた鉄道車両。電車の場合は、電動車。
The Keikyu Line is called “Red Comet” by Keikyu fans because its image color is red.
This time as well, I was allowed to experience high-speed driving reminiscent of a “comet” as its name suggests.
The maximum speed specified in the section of the Keikyu Line is 120km / h between Shinagawa Sta. and Yokohama Sta. The speed south of Yokohama Sta. is 110km / h.
Due to the station, only “Limited Express (KAITOKU)” can get this speed, but “Limited Express(KAITOKU)” can be boarded only with the regular ticket.
Keikyu Corporation, which operates at high speeds, has a strong commitment to safety.
There are three main types of railroad vehicles.
① Control car: A railroad vehicle that has a cab and is not a motor vehicle.
②Motor car: A railroad vehicle equipped with a power unit for traveling.
③ Trailer: Vehicles excluding the motor car and the control car.
One train formation is made by combining these three types of vehicles.
One of Keikyu’s famous commitments to safety is that the leading vehicle is always equipped with the driving motor car that combines the control vehicle ① , and the motor vehicle ②.
The reason for doing so is that the driving motor car is heavier than the control car because it is equipped with the motor. Therefore, if you collide with a car on the railroad track, even if you derail, it is difficult to overturn.
The driving motor car is about 6t heavier than the normal control car.
Keikyu is requesting not only its own company but also the Toei Asakusa Line and Keisei Electric Railway, which mutually connect with the Keikyu Line, to use a driving motor car as the leading vehicle when traveling on the Keikyu Line.
00:00 青砥 Aoto (KS 09) 【京成押上線】 Keisei Oshiage Line
01:53 京成立石 Keisei-Tateishi (KS 49)
03:41 四ツ木 Yotsugi (KS 48)
04:36 荒川 Arakawa Riv.
05:04 八広 Yahiro (KS 47)
06:48 京成曳舟 Keisei-Hikifune (KS 46)
08:39 押上〈スカイツリー前〉 Oshiage〈SKYTREE〉(KS 45)(A-20)
09:11 Map
10:54【都営浅草線】Toei Asakusa Line
12:29 本所吾妻橋 Honjo-azumabashi (A-19)
14:07 浅草 Asakusa (A-18)
16:01 蔵前 Kuramae (A-17)
17:39 浅草橋 Asakusabashi (A-16)
19:17 東日本橋 Higashi-nihombashi (A-15)
21:19 人形町 Ningyocho (A-14)
23:16 日本橋 Nihombashi (A-13)
25:16 宝町 Takaracho (A-12)
26:52 東銀座 Higashi-ginza (A-11)
28:48 新橋 Shimbashi (A-10)
30:54 大門 Daimon (A-09)
33:25 三田 Mita (A-08)
35:35 泉岳寺 Sengakuji (A-07)
35:57 Map
37:08 【京急本線】快特 Keikyū Main Line Limited Express
38:20 品川 Shinagawa (KK 01)
40:27 北品川 Kitashinagawa (KK 02)
41:07 新馬場 Shimbamba (KK 03)
41:38 青物横丁 Aomono-yokochō (KK 04)
42:07 鮫洲 Samezu (KK 05)
42:47 立会川 Tachiaigawa (KK 06)
43:28 大森海岸 Ōmorikaigan (KK 07)
43:58 平和島 Heiwajima (KK 08)
44:22 大森町 Ōmorimachi (KK 09)
44:44 梅屋敷 Umeyashiki (KK 10)
45:06 京急蒲田 Keikyū Kamata (KK 11)
47:16 雑色 Zōshiki (KK 18)
47:53 六郷土手 Rokugōdote (KK 19)
48:40 京急川崎 Keikyū Kawasaki (KK 20)
50:44 八丁畷 Hatchō-nawate (KK 27)
51:06 鶴見市場 Tsurumi-ichiba (KK 28)
51:47 京急鶴見 Keikyū Tsurumi (KK 29)
52:18 花月総持寺 Kagetsu-sōjiji (KK 30)
52:40 生麦 Namamugi (KK 31)
53:23 京急新子安 Keikyū Shinkoyasu (KK 32)
53:55 子安 Koyasu (KK 33)
54:12 神奈川新町 Kanagawa-shimmachi (KK 34)
54:32 京急東神奈川 Keikyū Higashi-kanagawa (KK 35)
55:03 神奈川 Kanagawa (KK 36)
55:30 横浜 Yokohama (KK 37)
58:41 戸部 Tobe (KK 38)
01:00:04 日ノ出町 Hinodechō (KK 39)
01:01:00 黄金町 Koganechō (KK 40)
01:01:52 南太田 Minamiōta (KK 41)
01:02:48 井土ヶ谷 Idogaya (KK 42)
01:03:45 弘明寺 Gumyōji (KK 43)
01:04:41 上大岡 Kamiōoka (KK 44)
01:07:55 屏風浦 Byōbugaura (KK 45)
01:08:36 杉田 Sugita (KK 46)
01:10:12 京急富岡 Keikyū Tomioka (KK 47)
01:10:35 能見台 Nōkendai (KK 48)
01:12:16 金沢文庫 Kanazawa-bunko (KK 49)
01:14:16 金沢八景 Kanazawa-hakkei (KK 50)
01:16:36 追浜 Oppama (KK 54)
01:17:52 京急田浦 Keikyū Taura (KK 55)
01:19:34 安針塚 Anjinzuka (KK 56)
01:20:27 逸見 Hemi (KK 57)
01:21:15 汐入 Shioiri (KK 58)
01:21:53 横須賀中央 Yokosuka-chūō (KK 59)
01:24:09 県立大学 Kenritsudaigaku (KK 60)
01:25:13 堀ノ内 Horinouchi (KK 61) 【京急久里浜線】Keikyū Kurihama Line
01:27:10 新大津 Shin-ōtsu (KK 65)
01:28:39 北久里浜 Kitakurihama (KK 66)
01:31:33 京急久里浜 Keikyū Kurihama (KK 67)
01:36:39 YRP野比 YRP Nobi (KK 68)
01:38:56 京急長沢 Keikyū Nagasawa (KK 69)
01:40:45 津久井浜 Tsukuihama (KK 70)
01:42:53 三浦海岸 Miurakaigan (KK 71)
01:46:06 三崎口 Misakiguchi (KK 72)
踏切異常発生!【4K前面展望 Front View】京急 快特 三崎口→品川 Keikyu Limited Exp.(KAITOKU) June 2022
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